Thursday, October 20, 2011

What Is a True Alternative Cancer Treatment Center?

To answer this you must understand what alternative cancer treatment is and is not. First let us start by saying what alternative cancer treatment is not. It is not using toxic chemicals to try to kill the cells in your body that are growing rapidly. This is because those cells are cancer stem cells that are trying to adapt to a toxic environment that you have made within your body. Cancer is not really trying to kill you but the cancer stem cells are trying to ensure survival by becoming resistant to a hostile internal environment. So if you use chemotherapy to try to kill your cancer stem cells they just become more aggressive and grow even faster to survive the increased toxicity.
An alternative cancer treatment center should focus on healing the cause of the cancer instead of trying to get rid of the effect which is the rapidly growing cancer stem cells. Any alternative cancer treatment center should put all its effort into balancing all the systems of the body naturally without chemicals, drugs or toxins of any type. When the nervous system, immune system, the hormonal system, the digestive and eliminative systems are in balance along with the biochemistry and the mental/emotional state then there is no longer any reason for the cancer stem cells to produce more cancer cells. Once you balance the systems of the body and change the internal environment then there is no longer any reason for cancer or any other disease to live in your body.
The ideal alternative cancer treatment center should balance the body and the mind naturally instead of trying to kill cancer. This alternative cancer treatment would be one that uses treatments and therapies that would not be in any way toxic or potentially harmful to the body but would naturally support the body's healing processes. This alternative cancer treatment would be customized for the individual imbalances of the patient and one that not only used standard laboratory workups but also specialized in functional medicine testing, being able to find an organ or gland imbalance before it even shows up on standard lab findings. With this kind of testing being done each visit, the treatments would be the most effective because they would be off the most recent findings thus healing rate would greatly improve because of the precision of every treatment. This can be compared to giving a person a thyroid pill for their low thyroid once a day versus taking an hourly reading and giving the precise amount of thyroid hormone at the exact time it is needed.
The final key in this alternative cancer treatment center would be a holistic approach of not just treating the physical body naturally but also the mind and emotional imbalances without medication. This approach to wholeness would balance the organs, glands, systems, mind and emotions individually and then interconnectedly. This would promote optimum healing not only as an alternative cancer treatment but also for all other conditions and diseases that could develop in the body.
Feel free to visit us on the web for more information at Total Health Institute, an integrative and alternative cancer treatment center in Wheaton, Illinois.

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Monday, October 3, 2011

Savor Mango Fruit

Everyone would know this fruit. The shape is round, yellow flesh color, skin color is generally green, there is also a tinge meat red and tastes sweet. The fruit is not only liked adults, but also children. Mango (Mangifera indica) is a tropical fruit. While still raw (young), this fruit is also much sought after for the salad and sought by women who are pregnant.

Mango is a fruit native to India. But now, scattered in various parts of the world, including Indonesia. Mango plants can grow well in lowland areas and hot air. But, there also could also grow in areas that have a height of up to 600 meters above sea level.

Mango has many varieties. There is no mention, there are 2,000 types of mangoes at least in the world. Besides the sweet taste and refreshing mango turns out also has properties that are good for health. Because this fruit contains substances that are needed by the body.

Efficacy mango:
• The experts believe the mango is the source of a carotenoid called beta crytoxanthin, namely cancer buster good material.
• Mangoes are also rich in antioxidant vitamins such as vitamins C and E. One mango contains seven grams of fiber which can help the digestive system. Most of the fiber dissolves in water and can keep the cholesterol to remain normal.
• Mangoes have chemical properties and pharmacological effects of certain, that is astringent, cleaning urine, refreshing, appetite enhancer, a mild laxative, laxative sputum and antioxidants.
• The content of gallic acid in mango is very good for the digestive tract. While the content of riboflavinnya very good for the eyes, mouth, and throat.
• Mango also potent to help cure various diseases, including skin inflammation, influenza, asthma, vision disturbances, bleeding gums, sore throat, inflammation of the airways, shortness of breath and ulcers. It also can cope with boils, scabies, eczema, stomach pains, diarrhea, motion sickness, worms, poor appetite, vaginal discharge, menstrual disorders, hernia and rheumatism.

How to Overcome It:
• To cope with skin inflammation that is used is the skin of mango fruit. Way, 150 grams of mango fruit skin is cooked with enough water to boil. In warm conditions, boiling water is used for washing the skin of experiencing pain or inflammation. This herb can also be used to treat eczema.
• Influenza disease can also be overcome with this fruit. Way, 200 grams of meat plus 10 grams of mango ginger, and two white leeks. These materials are boiled with 500 cc of water to the remaining 250 cc. Then the water is filtered and drunk while still warm.
• They usually travel sickness can also take advantage of mangoes to overcome them. Way, previously dried mangoes and boil with enough water. Once warm, add honey to taste and 10 cc of lime juice and stir.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Tempe and Long Beans Stir-fry

Substance :
 - Tempe sliced ​​lengthwise
 - Long Beans
Seasoning Chopped :
- Red chili
- Garlic
- Onion
- Tomato

Additional Seasoning :
- Sugar
- Salt
- Seasoning
How to Make :
  1. Chopped seasonings incorporated into the oil that has been hot.
  2. After seasoning it included material, beans sauteed until wilted and flavors mingle.
  3. Added sugars, salt and seasoning.

Friday, August 5, 2011

All about Stroke

Stroke disease is a disorder of brain function caused by blood flow to the brain is impaired (reduced). As a result, nutrients and oxygen to the brain required not met properly. Cause there are two kinds of strokes, namely the existence of blockages in blood vessels (trombus), and the presence of broken blood vessels.

Generally a stroke suffered by the elderly, because the aging process causes the hardening and narrowing of blood vessels (arteriosclerosis) and the presence of fats that clog arteries (atherosclerosis). But some recent cases show an increase in cases of stroke that occurs in adolescence and childbearing age (15-40 years). In this group, the leading cause of stroke is a stress, drug abuse, alcohol, heredity, and an unhealthy lifestyle.

Causes of stroke

In the case of stroke adolescence, genetic factors (hereditary) is the major cause of stroke. Frequently encountered cases of stroke caused by blood vessels are fragile and easily broken, or blood system disorders such as hemophilia and thalassemia disease is passed down from parents of patients. Meanwhile, if a family member with diabetes (diabetes), hypertension (high blood pressure), and heart disease, stroke likely to be greater in other family members.

The cause of stroke is a food with higher levels of bad cholesterol (Low Density Lipoprotein) is very high. Cholesterol evil there are many on junk food, or fast food. In addition, other causes of stroke is a lazy habit of exercising and moving, lots of drinking alcohol, smoking, use of narcotic and addictive substances, much less rest time, and prolonged stress. Rupture of blood vessels are also often caused by high blood pressure (hypertension).

Symptoms of a stroke

The early symptoms of stroke are generally dizzy, head spinning (such as vertigo disease), then followed with a speech impairment and mouth muscles. Other symptoms are disturbed sensitive sensor (can not feel anything, such as pinched or pricked needles) and the body feels paralyzed side, and the absence of reflex movements. Often also occur suddenly blind or blurred vision (due to blood supply and oxygen to the eye is reduced drastically), disruption of taste in the mouth of the system and the muscles of the mouth (so often met with a wry face), paralysis of the muscles of the body, and disruption system memory and emotion. Common people can not stop crying because of paralysis of the brain controls his emotions on the system. It makes people act like a stroke patient psychiatric illness, but it's not. Things like this that need to be understood by the family of the patient.

The healing process

There are 2 main healing process that must be lived with. First is healing with medicines in hospitals. Strict control should be done to keep the bad cholesterol can be lowered and did not grow up. In addition, patients are also prohibited from eating foods that can trigger a stroke such as junk food and salt (can trigger hypertension).

The healing process is fisiotherapy second, that exercise the muscles to restore muscle function and communication function to approach its former condition. Fisiotherapy conducted with fisiotherapy instructors, and patients must adhere to the exercise performed. If this is not lived Fisiotherapi seriously, it can occur in permanent paralysis of the limbs that have suffered paralysis.

Healing in patients with stroke varies greatly. There can be cleared completely (100 %), some are only 50% only. Healing depends on whether or not the attack of severe stroke, the condition of the patient's body, the compliance in patients undergoing the process of healing, perseverance and spirit of the patient to recover, as well as support and understanding from all family members of patients. Often found that stroke survivors can recover, but suffered from severe depression because their families do not want to understand and feel deeply troubled by illness (such as attitudes do not accept the person's condition, harsh treatment because the patient had to clean dirt, handing the patient to the nurse who also treats patients with coarse, and so on). This should be avoided if a family member who suffered a stroke.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Knowledge about Asthma

Asthma is a symptom caused by respiratory disorders in the form of heightened sensitivity to stimuli from the environment as a trigger.

Triggers of symptoms may include fatigue of the mind (emotional distress), physical fatigue, changes in the environment which is not expected (weather, humidity, temperature, smoke (especially tobacco) and smells that stimulate), respiratory tract infections, especially of certain influenza illness, and allergic reactions of the materials are inhaled or eaten.

Level of sensitivity of the respiratory tract symptoms begins from mild symptoms (a runny nose / sneezing or coughing that often recurrent / relapsed) to severe symptoms of asthma attacks (difficulty breathing). This situation is in fact characterized by a background of allergic reactions.
The emergence of some degree of sensitivity of the recorded symptoms / can be expressed by the patient usually starts since childhood. About 50 % of symptoms will heal by itself, although at one time these symptoms will appear again at more severe symptoms are often given the term asthma. About 55-6 - % in respiratory allergic diseases can be passed on to children or grandchildren and the rest due to environmental pollution due to lacking or still not getting attention, because it's new symptoms appear as an adult not because it is a strange thing


Basic problems in asthma lies in the respiratory tract abnormalities are dressed the reaction / inflammation (caused by allergic reaction) caused by exposure to ingredients such as:
  • Dust is in the house of dust coming from cotton mattress (especially long), carpets, sofa, old clothes stored in closets, ceiling roof, books/ old paper archives, etc.
  •  Food items, especially species of marine fish, cow's milk, eggs, chocolate, nuts, etc.. (are foodstuffs that have traits that irritate such as spicy, cold, sticky, sweet / sour, salty, etc.. not the cause but the trigger).
The environment, among others, fur derived from agricultural materials (pollen, hay, grasses, bagasse, etc..), Ingredients derived from poultry droppings and feathers and pets.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Tips and How to Good Exercises and Sports

The importance of healthy living and regular, therefore we need to know what factors are affecting the healthy life? one of them exercising. Below is a good exercise tips. 

• Start the Little By Little.

• Record your progress.

• Select the Sports Time Is Right.

• Invite Friends And Family Or Go Sports Clubs

• Choose sports that you like

• Variation Sports

• Provide Houses D1 Sports Equipment

• Understanding the Three Components of Fitness

• Building on Strengths.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Benefits The Green Tea

  1. 1.  Savor tea for health has been known for thousands of years ago. In scientific research, discovered the usefulness of tea in pharmacology to the human body. Due to a variety of chemical compounds such as amino acids, alkaloids pure, aromatic substances and vitamins.
  2. 2.  The content of vitamin C in tea is higher compared to the existing content in apples, tomatoes and lime juice. While the B12 size 10-20 times higher than that found in cereals and vegetables, and components are not easily available in other foods.
  3. Tea contains the amino acids needed by the body, rich in minerals and various vitamins. A tea drinker who regularly drink tea with a dose of rational, will get a regular supply of nutrients for the body and cause the formation of natural immunity.
  4. From the results of research in the Soviet Union as well as black tea green tea, serves as one element that can help so as not susceptible to disease. 
  5. Expert researchers from the Academy of Preventive Chinese Medicine in China, after studying 17 types of tea can be proved that tea can slow the formation of nitrosamines in the body. In addition, some elements in tea can detect the development of tumor cells found in some parts of the human body.   

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Tips and How to Make Water Wells

To make a good water well to note the following things in order not to create environmental pollution problems around us :

A. Selection of a good well location
  • Not adjacent to the wc / toilet / bathroom in order to avoid contamination of the drain with a network of   groundwater wells. The exact distance between the holes to separate the water wells that will be made with the nearest toilet is at least 5 feet if the ground around the site is clay and at least 7.5 meters if the soil sandy.
B. Water well construction standards
  1. Making the upper wall at a distance of 3 meters from ground surface to prevent seepage of water from the surface soil will break down and contaminate clean water quality. 
  2. At the top of the water wells / bore wells were shut in order not to let dirt that could damage clean water becomes dirty.
  3. Use of chlorine as a disinfectant to the size of the dose of 1 gram per 100 liters to kill germs and bacteria that are detrimental to the health of our body when using a bucket or pail.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Nutrient Content of Red Beans

Kidney beans actually has the ability to cope with various diseases, among them capable of reducing blood vessel damage, can lower blood cholesterol levels, reduce blood sugar concentrations, and lower risk of colon cancer and breast cancer.

Nutrient content in beans is very good for the health of the human body. Dried red beans are a source of vegetable protein, complex carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins B, folasin, thiamine, calcium, phosphorus, and iron. Folasin are essential nutrients that can reduce the risk of damage to blood vessels.

Red beans contain fats and sodium are very low, almost free of saturated fat, and free cholesterol. In addition, red beans are also a good source of fiber. In 100 grams of dried red beans, can produce 4 grams of fiber which consists of water -soluble fiber and insoluble fiber water. Water -soluble fiber can significantly lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

To get the perfect properties of red beans, there are some things that need to be done in the process. After soaking, discard the soaking water red beans. Then boil the red beans in a covered saucepan for 3 minutes, and let stand for 2 hours so the juices settle. Replace the water bath with water boiled, and let stand overnight. The next day, red beans ready to be cooked into a delicious meal. This needs to be done to eliminate the ability of red beans to produce gas in the gut that would make the stomach feel bloated.

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Medical Treatment of Cancer

Cancer Treatment Medically includes: chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, monoclonal antibody therapy, hormone therapy, etc.. The ultimate goal is to eradicate, to kill or alter cancer cells.

1. Cancer Treatment with Chemotherapy
Chemotherapy has a working principle of the poison or kill cancer cells, controlling the growth of cancer cells, and stop its growth so as not to spread or to relieve symptoms caused by cancer. Chemotherapy is a systematic, in contrast with radiation or surgery that is local, so chemotherapy can reach cancer cells that may have spread and spread to other parts of the body. The success rate of chemotherapy also varies by type of cancer it. Side effects of chemotherapy is to decrease the number of blood cells, infection, anemia, bleeding such as nosebleeds, hair loss, itching and dry skin, nausea and vomiting, dehydration, low blood pressure, constipation, diarrhea, nervous system disorders.

2. Cancer Treatment with Radiation (Radiation)
Cancer Treatment with Radiation is usually done before or after surgery to shrink the tumor. Radiation is done in an attempt to destroy the tissues that have been hit by cancer. Radiation side effects are nausea and vomiting, decreased number of white blood cells, infection / inflammation, skin reactions such as sunburn, fatigue, sore mouth and throat p there, diarrhea and can lead to baldness.

3. Cancer Treatment Through Surgery
Surgery is the treatment of cancer of the oldest. Some cancers can often be cured only with surgery if done at an early stage. For some cases, the best cancer treatment is a combination of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. Surgery or radiation to treat cancer that land is limited, whereas chemotherapy aims to kill cancer cells that are beyond the reach of surgery or radiation. Sometimes radiation or chemotherapy before surgery to reduce the size of the tumor or after surgery to destroy cancer cells that may remain.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Garlic Benefits

Dr. Yongxiang Zhang of the University of Tokyo, Japan stated that the ability of garlic inhibit deterioration of the brain and the immune system in experimental animals is very impressive. That does not mean that garlic was able to restore their youth or completely inhibit the aging process. But at least the benefits of garlic help to hinder the aging process.

In addition, according to research Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, SAMC chemicals found in garlic can inhibit cancer cell growth. By eating garlic, cancer risk can be reduced.
High cholesterol levels are usually a sign of the aging process. Garlic is consumed regularly in a certain period of time can help lower cholesterol levels. Anti - cholesterol agent in garlic called ajoene help prevent blood clotting.

Dr. Gilles Fillion from the Institute Pasteur in France suspect, garlic can help relieve stress, anxiety, and depression. Obviously with a softer effect. He found that garlic is beneficial to help release serotonin, a chemical that is involved in regulating a wide range of moods and behavior, including anxiety, melancholy, pain, aggression, stress, lack of sleep and memory. High levels of serotonin in the brain tends to function as a sedative to placate you, facilitate sleep, and relieve melancholy. Garlic helps to normalize the serotonin system.