Thursday, October 20, 2011

What Is a True Alternative Cancer Treatment Center?

To answer this you must understand what alternative cancer treatment is and is not. First let us start by saying what alternative cancer treatment is not. It is not using toxic chemicals to try to kill the cells in your body that are growing rapidly. This is because those cells are cancer stem cells that are trying to adapt to a toxic environment that you have made within your body. Cancer is not really trying to kill you but the cancer stem cells are trying to ensure survival by becoming resistant to a hostile internal environment. So if you use chemotherapy to try to kill your cancer stem cells they just become more aggressive and grow even faster to survive the increased toxicity.
An alternative cancer treatment center should focus on healing the cause of the cancer instead of trying to get rid of the effect which is the rapidly growing cancer stem cells. Any alternative cancer treatment center should put all its effort into balancing all the systems of the body naturally without chemicals, drugs or toxins of any type. When the nervous system, immune system, the hormonal system, the digestive and eliminative systems are in balance along with the biochemistry and the mental/emotional state then there is no longer any reason for the cancer stem cells to produce more cancer cells. Once you balance the systems of the body and change the internal environment then there is no longer any reason for cancer or any other disease to live in your body.
The ideal alternative cancer treatment center should balance the body and the mind naturally instead of trying to kill cancer. This alternative cancer treatment would be one that uses treatments and therapies that would not be in any way toxic or potentially harmful to the body but would naturally support the body's healing processes. This alternative cancer treatment would be customized for the individual imbalances of the patient and one that not only used standard laboratory workups but also specialized in functional medicine testing, being able to find an organ or gland imbalance before it even shows up on standard lab findings. With this kind of testing being done each visit, the treatments would be the most effective because they would be off the most recent findings thus healing rate would greatly improve because of the precision of every treatment. This can be compared to giving a person a thyroid pill for their low thyroid once a day versus taking an hourly reading and giving the precise amount of thyroid hormone at the exact time it is needed.
The final key in this alternative cancer treatment center would be a holistic approach of not just treating the physical body naturally but also the mind and emotional imbalances without medication. This approach to wholeness would balance the organs, glands, systems, mind and emotions individually and then interconnectedly. This would promote optimum healing not only as an alternative cancer treatment but also for all other conditions and diseases that could develop in the body.
Feel free to visit us on the web for more information at Total Health Institute, an integrative and alternative cancer treatment center in Wheaton, Illinois.

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Monday, October 3, 2011

Savor Mango Fruit

Everyone would know this fruit. The shape is round, yellow flesh color, skin color is generally green, there is also a tinge meat red and tastes sweet. The fruit is not only liked adults, but also children. Mango (Mangifera indica) is a tropical fruit. While still raw (young), this fruit is also much sought after for the salad and sought by women who are pregnant.

Mango is a fruit native to India. But now, scattered in various parts of the world, including Indonesia. Mango plants can grow well in lowland areas and hot air. But, there also could also grow in areas that have a height of up to 600 meters above sea level.

Mango has many varieties. There is no mention, there are 2,000 types of mangoes at least in the world. Besides the sweet taste and refreshing mango turns out also has properties that are good for health. Because this fruit contains substances that are needed by the body.

Efficacy mango:
• The experts believe the mango is the source of a carotenoid called beta crytoxanthin, namely cancer buster good material.
• Mangoes are also rich in antioxidant vitamins such as vitamins C and E. One mango contains seven grams of fiber which can help the digestive system. Most of the fiber dissolves in water and can keep the cholesterol to remain normal.
• Mangoes have chemical properties and pharmacological effects of certain, that is astringent, cleaning urine, refreshing, appetite enhancer, a mild laxative, laxative sputum and antioxidants.
• The content of gallic acid in mango is very good for the digestive tract. While the content of riboflavinnya very good for the eyes, mouth, and throat.
• Mango also potent to help cure various diseases, including skin inflammation, influenza, asthma, vision disturbances, bleeding gums, sore throat, inflammation of the airways, shortness of breath and ulcers. It also can cope with boils, scabies, eczema, stomach pains, diarrhea, motion sickness, worms, poor appetite, vaginal discharge, menstrual disorders, hernia and rheumatism.

How to Overcome It:
• To cope with skin inflammation that is used is the skin of mango fruit. Way, 150 grams of mango fruit skin is cooked with enough water to boil. In warm conditions, boiling water is used for washing the skin of experiencing pain or inflammation. This herb can also be used to treat eczema.
• Influenza disease can also be overcome with this fruit. Way, 200 grams of meat plus 10 grams of mango ginger, and two white leeks. These materials are boiled with 500 cc of water to the remaining 250 cc. Then the water is filtered and drunk while still warm.
• They usually travel sickness can also take advantage of mangoes to overcome them. Way, previously dried mangoes and boil with enough water. Once warm, add honey to taste and 10 cc of lime juice and stir.